Friday, November 7, 2014

Video Hosting Sites- # 1

#1 Video Hosting Sites: Click Image Below!!

Click Image To Go To You Tube

Recommendation #1: YouTube

YouTube just keeps getting better, and that's good for your business. There are actually two different reasons to use YouTube – first, to host videos for embedding in your website, posting to Facebook, etc.; and second, because if at all possible, your business videos should be on YouTube. For purposes of this article, we’ll restrict the discussion to using YouTube for hosting.

YouTube is a good option
because, besides being free, it has a good-looking player, good playback
quality, and decent analytics. While a YouTube video on a business
website used to be just a tad unprofessional, perceptions have changed.
Now, perception-wise, YouTube is perfectly acceptable as a vehicle for
your videos

However, there’s a good reason to consider not using YouTube for hosting.
Your viewers can click on the little ‘YouTube’ icon on the player, and
go to YouTube to watch the video. Once on YouTube, they’ll be greeted by
a great deal of visual stimulation, all designed to get them to watch
more videos on YouTube. Chances are good they’ll forget all about your
website. So if keeping viewers on your website is important, consider
another hosting service.

And – videos on YouTube are limited to 15 minutes. If you’re looking to host longer videos (seminars and presentations, for example), YouTube won’t work for you.

Video Hosting Sites- # 2 Vimeo

#2 Video Hosting Sites: Click Image Below!!

Recommendation #2: Vimeo Pro

VimeoPro for small business video hostingVimeo used to be unfriendly to what it called ‘commercial uses’. But Vimeo now has a service called Vimeo Pro, which is inexpensive ($199/year), and delivers a lot of bang for your buck. Great-looking video that plays on a whole boatload of devices (including phones, tablets, X-boxes, Apple TV, and smart TVs). Analytics are basic, but if you don’t need advanced analytics Vimeo Pro is a great choice.

With your Vimeo Pro account, you'll get 50 GB of storage. While that's a LOT of room for your videos, you can purchase more storage if you need to. And, unike many other paid hosting sites, you get unlimited plays.

The downside of Vimeo is that its platform is not well-suited to keeping videos private. You can use a password to protect individual videos, but your video channel is public and people can find it online. If private hosting is important to you (for example, if you're a conference and you're selling access to your videos, but you don't want to password protect each video, just the access page) then Vimeo is probably not a good fit.

Video Hosting Sites- # 3 Wistia

Video Hosting Sites: Click Image Below!!

Recommendation #3: Wistia

Wistia for small business video hostingWistia is a great solution in two situations. First, if you only have a couple videos, Wistia has a free option. You can host up to three videos for free AND you still get all the Wistia features. Those features are the second reason to consider Wistia: basically it’s about great analytics, including something they call the ‘heat map’, which measures second-by-second viewer engagement.

If you have more than three videos, Wistia has a 6-video option ($23/month, which we think is on the high side for just 6 videos) and another option for unlimited videos ($79/month, which includes 200GB bandwidth per month, which should be plenty for most small businesses).

Video Hosting Sites- Made for Bigger Companies

Video Hosting Sites- What Fell Off The List

We originally recommended Brightcove because at the time there were few paid hosting options that were friendly to small businesses, and the $99 monthly cost was reasonable in that environment. But Brightcove is really designed for larger companies that host a lot of video content that changes or updates frequently, and that need the ability to add commercials before their videos play.

Given the new Vimeo Pro option, the improvements to YouTube and the less expensive Wistia options, we feel that Brightcove is both too expensive, and too robust, for most small business hosting needs.

We've also removed Screencast from our list. While Screencast is a good option for some applications (hosting webinars, for example), it doesn’t transcode your video into versions that play on different devices. Basically, what you upload is what you get. If that works for you, Screencast does have a free option (2GB storage and 2GB bandwidth per month).

Other Video Hosting Sites Options

There are other video hosting sites that can work well for your small business, with more popping up all the time. These generally offer different pricing depending on how much storage, bandwidth and analytic functionality you require. If you want to check out more options, take a look at Sproutvideo, Viddler, Vzarr, and Streaming Video Provider.

Lastly, if you've got other good video hosting solutions for small businesses, let us know with a comment.